
COVID The New Reality And Supervised Visitation

You Have Options For Your Supervised Visitation!

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2020 Supervised Visitation in The New Reality

Now that we are in the thick of the stay-at-home orders what is your plan for you or your clients moving forward with supervised visitation? Most governmental agencies have closed down their supervised visitations.

Currently, there is a projected end date of April 30th, 2020 for the stay-at-home order. I was speaking to someone that interfaces with many people in the medical field and I was told it might take months to get back to the way it used to be.

We are here to help you!

From our perspective not only is it counterproductive and alienating to have a child go to a facility it is also potentially unsafe, being there may be airborne contagions in said facility.

Have you considered using an off-site supervision service that addresses the potential safety risks and concerns of the situation? Typically, the visits occur in the parent’s home. When safety permits they may be held in a public place like a park, bowling alley, escape room, etc.

We at SB Mediation Center have offered off-site supervised visitation for years and have had zero issues with the safety of the visits because of the location.

Not every situation is suitable for our supervised visitation services. However, most are.

We have lots of experience with all types of situations with the sensitivity you would expect.

Even though there has not been any required training for a supervised visitation role in the state of Colorado we still have taken the 24-hour certificate training with Supervised Visitation Network, SVN.

If there are issues in the visit that need attention we have no problem communicating with either parent about the issues and the coaching that could help the situation.

In the worst-case scenario, we will cease the visit if it is unsafe. It is rare but it does happen.

We have availability for your situation now.

Let us know how we can help you.

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Find Out How We Can Help

Our experience based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with divorce, dividing up the marital estate and child custody/supervised parenting time issues. You’ll find all that and more at SB Mediation Center.

Please have contact information for all parties before contacting us.